Genre: Comedy, Romance, Historical, Drama, Shoujo
Author/Artist: Kim Hee Eun
Chapters: 23
Status: Completed
Website: Mangafox
♥ This is actually my first time reading a Manhwa, i found it pretty good, personally.
Manhwa is basically is like a Korean verson of Manga.♥Plot
A orphaned young lady called Sei-Ann was raised in the care of a noble woman, who found her in a castles ruins. Sei-Ann sets a high goal for herself and that is to be the prince's bride. Ever since Sei-Ann was little she knew that she was special and was meant to go places, she had a dream in which she wanted to become the wife of the Crown Prince, even if he is ugly and hideous looking she plans to endure it. But she finds out some life changing things on her way to follow her ambitions.