Genre: Shoujo, Romance, Drama, Fantasy, School Life, Magic
Episodes: 127
Website: Crunchyroll
Status: Complete
Shugo Chara - 51 Episodes
Shugo Chara Doki - 51 Episodes
Shugo Chara Party - 25 Episodes
Amu Hinamori is the Heroine of this Anime, shes goes to a school called 'Seiyo Elementary' and at first glance she is known by her classmates as 'cool and spicy'. However she is not really like that at all, shes a shy girl who has troubles showing her true personality. But one night everything changes as she makes a wish to show her 'would be' self. Then the next morning 3 eggs are born in her bed, (pink, blue and green). The eggs later on hatch through out the series and Amu encounters new problems as she has to help purify people's X Eggs and X Characters which are the corrupted forms of peoples' dreams.